5.5 Demonstrate research-based instructional practices for developing phonics skills and word recgnition.
Roll A Sight Word
Practicing sight words with ZAP IT!
Have strong phonic skills and word recognition aides in building the students strengthen in reading. Without being able to sound out letters or recognize sight words, students may find much difficulties in reading. In order to build on student's abilities, I focus on a different sound each week and students often practice their sight words.
There are many activities kids can do to strengthen their phonics skills and sight word recognition. There are two activities that proved to really help the student's with their phonic sounds. The first one is a video that not only says the sound, but will also display the letters within the sound and words that contain the sound. This helps many different type of learners because it address visually learners and auditory learners. Another activity that is a hit in the classroom is a Smart Board game where a picture flashes and the students must pick the spelling of the word from the choices on the bottom. I choose this activity because it does meet the needs of all learning styles.
Like phonic skills, sight word recognition also has many learning opportunties. One that helped my students was Roll a Sight Word. I choose this activity because it's something that can be done individually or with a partner. Students roll the dice and state the word corresponding to the number rolled. Using a dice that only goes up to six allows added practice since the odds of rolling a different word are fairly low.
The students have exhibited much success with these activity and move to more challenge phonics sounds and sight words weekly. I also witness the success by listening to the student's read more fluently in the AR books and weekly readings.